Change is inevitable in life The problem is that a lot of us aren’t a huge fan of it. We’re after stability, security, comfort.. And change creates the exact opposite. So to deal with this, you create the illusion of control; you trick yourself into thinking that you have control over your life & what happens to you. Well, a quick dose of reality for you - you don’t. Life’s just way too complex for that. You might read that & think “well then, what’s the f*cking point?”. And maybe you'd have a point. But, in my eyes there's a slightly more more empowering ways to approach life.. You can recognise that although you have little control over what happens to you, you DO have complete control over your response. By this I mean you can choose to view stressful events as ‘negative’ things that happen TO you.. or as things that happen FOR you - as opportunities to grow, learn, & evolve as a human being. It’s very easy to opt for the former perspective, adopting the victim mindset & feeling sorry for yourself. But, for the most part, the circumstances you’re faced with aren’t what dictate your experience of life.. it’s how you choose to view them.
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